Sunday 1 January 2012

Resolutions & Life Solutions

Welcome to 2012..

It's curious how everyone responds positively to a new year, isn't it?

I completely understand, sympathize and to a certain extent, agree with it. Else I'd be a tad hypocritical writing a blog about resolutions, no? I think I had a mindset for a pretty long blog delving into several different avenues regarding each resolution I'll be making this year; but seeing as my goal was to get it out on New Year's Day and I've left myself 19 minutes since watching American History X, I'll keep it small. Anyone that knows me will probably appreciate that.. I do love a tangent.

Much of the ordinary..

I think some of my resolutions are somewhat predictable and in-line with most other people. Hardly surprising. I guess the difference is that I'm posting them on the internet because I'm often in need of a kick up the arse to make sure I'm doing them!

So, to keep this short. Here's the list. I'll be reviewing my performance towards the end of January, and no doubt I'll take the opportunity to elaborate on each one throughout the month..

Health & Fitness

Anyone not on these this year?

1. Giving up smoking...
- Possibly my most frustrating resolution. Having gone cold turkey for two years before the smoking ban was enforced (ironic that I took it up again afterwards really), I know how difficult this is, but also how achievable. My advice to anyone quitting this year is - just keep going. You'll feel terrible most mornings, you'll have horrible mood swings and you'll be a handful to work / socialise with; but you can only be apologetic and keep on going. You'll feel better for it in the long run.

2. And fast food...
- My diet needs improving, no two ways about it. The simplest, easiest and most cost effective way of doing so is cutting out the big convenience foods. The only exceptions to this resolution is foods such as chinese, acceptable when eating in a restaurant with a group. This doesn't however excuse me from eating in at KFC!

3. And alcohol!
- No excuse for this one whatsoever. Done it for the most of the year, then had a funeral, a wedding and into my birthday / Christmas not long after. Just become a strung out excuse to break the idea after Reading this year. Generally take a lot of stick for this one, but if I'm honest with myself and serious about improving my health / fitness next year; it's a major.
The only exception I may allow myself is for very special occasions with a meal. Even then, only a glass of wine, or undoubtedly, a JD.

4. Running consistently
- I actually took up running two evenings a week and kept at it towards the back end of last summer. It's almost like a strange hobby that you enjoy sometimes, and hate others. I was too lax and easy to miss a session because 'something better' (ie. something social) would come up, and I'd find too many excuses not to make up for it on a different night. I'll start this with once a week and hopefully build on it; but it ties into my next resolution..

5. Gym Routine
- Again, my gym attendance was incredibly sporadic, all be it just for the start of the year. It really is something I need to be more committed to. I think my first priority is finding a gym atmosphere that suits me personally. The Marriott Bexleyheath was so small and uneventful that working out was almost a chore. In contrast, Reynold's had a strange atmosphere and it was a little uncomforting to be a part of. So finding the right balance is going to be essential in how motivated I am; suggestions welcome!

Mentality & Finance

6. Practical Planning
- In terms of finance on a monthly basis, I seem to do exceptionally well at the start of the month, plan something in hurriedly in the second-third week, then panic a few days before payday. Somewhat repetitive and hardly my idea of fun.. so this year I'll be forcing myself to budget well in advance and even take into account longer term finance such as car tax / MOTs.. my insurance is monthly regardless. So, by the end of the year; debt free. It's achievable!

7. Playing poker the successful way..
- I was treated to 'The Mental Game of Poker' by my brother for Christmas. I'm intent on keeping this blog relatively poker-free as I have another for it ( but one of my resolutions is to turn a profit this year. Nothing massively substantial, and I'll be keeping the exact figure to myself; but very much achievable if I keep on improving my game and making the right decisions consistently. Lets hope the trip to Nottingham is a positive one..

So I think that's about it..

I know there are a ton of pitfalls on the way to achieving all of the targets I've set myself this year, but I think I've matured enough to appreciate that hard work and dedication are the only elements of desire that we control ourselves and are entirely responsible and accountable for.

I'm also aware that whenever someone asks how I'm getting on, I'm often short-tempered and snappy in response. I don't mean to be, and I actually genuinely appreciate the consideration and time taken to ask. If nothing else, purely because it means I can't lie to myself, nor anyone else.

Good luck to everyone with a resolution in 2012; however small or large it may be. I look forward to sharing successes with you come 2013 ;)

- Rick

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